This website may contain references to other property rights and information on copyrights which must be observed and followed. This applies in particular to logos, images, sound and video files.The association “Souvenir-Dancing” is always anxious to use only texts, pictures, graphics, sound and video files created by itself or to use license-free texts, graphics, sound and video files.Downloading, printing and saving data and files from this website for private use only is permitted. Further use requires the explicit written consent of the association "Souvenir-Dancing".The association "Souvenir-Dancing" assumes no liability for data loss or other technical impairments that may occur when viewing or downloading data from this website.Despite careful selection, we also assume no liability for the form and content of external links. For the form and content of the linked pages, the operators of these pages are solely responsible.The information provided on this website is always carefully researched by the association "Souvenir-Dancing" and updated if necessary.No responsibility is taken for the completeness, timeliness and accuracy of the information provided in the context of these Internet pages, changes and errors are reserved.Furthermore, the association "Souvenir-Dancing" reserves the right to change the content and design of this website at any time without prior notice or to delete it without replacement.